Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Why is Tuvalu a hero for the day?

Tuvalu called for the suspension of the COP15 session because they felt they were not inclusive in a decision.

A crash course in the UNFCCC process tells us that an international treaty can be a binding only when all of the member countries converge on it.Today’s plenary session being abandoned briefly due to the influence of the fourth smallest country in the world, larger only than the Vatican City at 0.44 km substaniates the process. The Climate Action Network has begun a Ray of the Day award – the first time ever was awarded to Tuvalu, for being so bold in the plenary session. A discussion on how valid were their arguments were and why the Indian party has opposed their stance is a separate argument altogether.

The democratic process of the UNFCCC was well established in this action. The impact of civil society and youth were also quite impactful too. Right after Tuvalu’s intervention the plenary was suspended and as a reaction to it the civil society and the youth together put up an act of direct action and Chants of “Tuvalu, Survival” “350″ and “Annex 1, stand up” echoed through the walls.

Statement from Tuvalu -We need to work, not as a country, but as an Earth

Tuesday, December 1, 2009



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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Current CO2 level in the atmosphere

What is COP15 and why is it important?

This year, from December 7-18, world leaders will meet in Copenhagen to determine how the world will deal with climate change. COP stands for Conference of the Parties, and COP15 in Copenhagen marks the 15th annual conference held by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This year’s conference is crucially important because countries will be agreeing to a framework of action to succeed the current Kyoto Protocol, which runs out in 2012. Governments will establish an agreement on how to reduce and adapt to climate change at an extremely critical time in our history – the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) clearly specifies that our global emissions must peak and start to decline by 2015 if we are to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. We have less than 6 years to achieve this turn-around! This means that COP15 most likely marks our last chance for a global agreement that can lessen climate change before it is too late.

Hence, the importance of getting involved and letting your voice be heard! The delegation of Indian Youth being represented by IYCN,are going to Copenhagen to make sure the Indian government and world know that Indian Youth and citizens care deeply about this issue. We need our government to agree to a tough, effective, and fair international agreement to reduce and adapt to climate change. Make sure you get your voice heard and what other fellow Indians are saying about the issue and what are they looking forward to at COP15. We will also be blogging daily from the base camps set up from around the country to make sure you know how the Indian negotiators are representing you to the world.
Join the call for a global climate deal at

Why Rich Countries Must Lead On Climate Change


“A much better use should have been made of the economic stimulus packages,” said Mohan Munasinghe, vice chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Speaking at the National Climate Seminar hosted by the Bard Center for Environmental Policy, Munasinghe mentioned that South Korea devoted 80 percent of its stimulus package to clean tech. The South Korean stimulus package was worth $85 billion. In July, South Korea announced it will invest $85 billion more in clean tech. In contrast, the U.S. devoted $60 billion of its $787 stimulus package to clean tech.

Munashinge pointed out that the poorest countries are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, but they are the ones who had the least to do with the problem. “Developing countries are pressing for more of a voice,” he said. “We have the knowledge to protect the most vulnerable, but the political will is lacking… High emitting countries should take the lead, but that leadership is so far lacking.”

During the recent climate change talks in Barcelona, African nations walked out, demanding that developed countries cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40 percent from 1990 levels by 2020. Developed countries have promised reductions of 11 to 15 percent. Other developing countries backed the African nations in Barcelona. Last week, African leaders agreed on the compensation to demand from developed countries to help developing countries cope with climate change.

Munashinge listed laid out a framework for developed countries to help developing countries cope with climate change:

  • Businesses practicing CSR
  • Integrate climate friendly solutions and incorporate them into existing structures in society
  • Make people feel they can make a difference

Climate change agreements

In order for Copenhagen to be successful, Munashinge said there are three things which need to occur:

  1. Rich countries must reduce their emissions
  2. Developing countries need a safety net for new regulations
  3. Middle income countries (China, India) need to see that rich countries can maintain a good quality of life while reducing emissions

“Kyoto Protocol targets haven’t been met,” Munashinge said. A report released earlier this month showed that the EU-15 are on track to meet their Kyoto Protocol commitments to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Kyoto Protocol requires that the EU-15 reduce emission eight percent below 1990 levels by 2012. The EU-15 will reduce emissions more than 13 percent, according to the latest projections. Five EU-15 members (Britain, France, Germany, Greece, and Sweden) already exceeded the eight percent target.

We need a global cap-and-trade system

During the question and answer time, Munashinge was asked to critique the effectiveness of the clean development mechanism (CDM). He cited as positive the fact that the CDM is pro-development, and mostly involves planting forests or renewable energy projects. However, he said that many environmentalists feel the rich are buying their way out of trouble without going through the pain of having to reduce their own emissions.

“The principle is clear that it solves the efficiency method…carbon is removed from the atmosphere in the cheapest method possible,” he said. Yet, eventually the CDM will be replaced by emissions trading. “We have to have a global cap-and-trade system.”

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Reinventing Cochin Cycle Rally' 09


Call for ‘Reinventing Cochin’

Cities are a part of our lives and language. Globally, the dimensions of city culture have changed to accommodate the growing needs of the city people. Cities are mostly places where people meet for leisure and pleasure. It should accordingly, open up, invite and include people, and offer various avenues for entertainment. With the ever-increasing environmental and health concerns, a city where shopping and entertainment go hand-in-hand with environmental consciousness is a dream which should transcend into a reality. However, urbanism in the cities can be generated only if we have ecological and socially sustainable platforms. Only this can herald a vibrant city.

A country mirroring varied cultures and lifestyle, the India of today is redefined by its upscale cities, which lead a global existence. Indian cities have grown at alarming rates; unfortunately they are not landmarks of much, except perhaps haywire traffic and pollution. Our new-age cities are unplanned agglomerations that suffer from bad traffic, pollution, complex life situations and lack of insight. And Kochi is no different.

Kochi, identified by governmental records as a metropolis, is a city with a population of 13.55 lakhs. It is a mjor contributor to Kerala’s economy, contributing upto 14% of the state GDP. But city life is literally in shambles. Infrastructure-wise, narrow roads and traffic congestion, speeding buses, unplanned medians and flooded roads, lack of pedestrian sidewalks and open drains have all turned life worse for the average Kochiite. The city has ceased to be environment-friendly as well. There is a marked absence of green open spaces. Trees are cut down in order to make way for swank helipads and concrete development. Waste disposal has come to mean dumping it in the most unlikely of spaces. Also, the growing number of vehicles cause considerable ecological damage through emissions and noise from internal combustion engines. An AQI up to 50 is regarded as good while the 51-100 range is considered moderate. Anything above 100 is considered unhealthy while those above 150 are considered down right harmful. In Kochi, the Air Quality Index (AQI) readings are from between 160-200 on an average. All this mayhem warrants immediate action.

In pursuit of discovering newer ways to energize city life and to help build a ‘people oriented city’ Reinventing Cochin, one of the leading initiatives of Centre for Public Policy Research and GreenDream organization, is seeking to organize a campaign unlike any other - a Cycle Rally! The Rally, sought to be held during the 5th of December 2009 to coincide with the World Pollution Prevention Day and the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009, is aimed at reviving the luster of greenery and the power of easy mobility that Kochi is slowly, but surely losing. This, we believe can be achieved by efficiently integrating cycling into mainstream transportation.

Cycling is one of the most efficient modes of non-motorized transportation system. Cities have realized its multi-faceted potential in being eco-friendly, affordable and healthy. Cycling also transcends barriers of class, age and physical ability. It is an expression of freedom. It is a symbol of equality and human dignity. It will help Kochi rebrand it self from a disorganized agglomeration into a ‘people oriented’ city. A city for ‘ALL’!!!

So…Join us in breathing life back into the city – towards a safer, eco-friendly, healthy and fun Kochi! Healthy City, Healthy You, today and tomorrow!!!

call us at 91 484 2323895

mail us at,

Friday, November 20, 2009

Bangalore on Nov 9th 2009, saw the gathering of all the cyclists from GoGreenGoCycling campaign as well as some of the school kids who had joined in to support the cycling tour, The Green Ride '09..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dr. Singh, I believe in you!!

Dear Dr. Manmohan Singh,

We believe in you! And your vision of a developed India. This message of mine might take some of your valuable time, but please find time to read it! It is a message from a heart who believes in you and his country.

I say this NOT for my future generations, but the present generation: of family, of friends, and of everyone I see around. NOW is the time for action. NOW is the time for India to ACT like a SUPER POWER.

Why do you want to clean the mess after you make it up? Why can't we opt for more sustainable energy, cleaner fuels, healthier food, and safer world?

Take an action what is right for OUR country, because we believe in you!

I beg you, NOT to take hasty decisions, NOT to agree to limit on our emissions without reason, NOT to compromise on the development of India.

I beg you to simply THINK about what the future holds for the developed India. Is the Developed India going to enjoy its new power by fighting against a then-irreversible climate catastrophe? Are the people of the newly developed India going to enjoy its high standards of living? What will be our problems then? Could the poor afford to live in the cities of India where the temperature touches 50 degrees? Could we have avoided it?

By taking such actions against climate change, I know that our country’s growth is at stake and people may question you.

I want to let you know that YOU are our leader, and you have the responsibility to take us in the RIGHT direction. You must see into the future, and act wisely.

People may question your decision if you stand to fight against climate change, but you have the POWER to make them understand why it is important.

PLEASE! Fear not if they question you now, because you know that if you don’t make the right decision, they will question you in the future and you won’t have an answer!

They know at their hearts that INDIA is NOT about being a super power, nor about tall buildings and big industries. India is about its richness in natural beauty, its diverse culture and climate. India is about the people who wait for the monsoons, not fear them! India is about a country that shows the world the right way!

Sir, you speak of improving the conditions of the poor, eradicating hunger! The decision you take now is crucial for the very same. Remember, you might be threatening the food security, of not just the poor but also others, by simply not willing to fight climate change! The world looks up to us, let us be the right super power.

I beg you, DON’T THINK about who is and should be responsible for this because YOUR people are going to suffer anyways!

I believe Mahatma Gandhi would be very happy by the choices you make today for your people!

I believe in you! And so does an entire nation!

Yours sincerely
Varun Raj
The present generation

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Preparations

The Hiccups before the Start

Waking to the ringing alarms that were precisely set in the previous night, one by one, each of us hurried for our morning chores.

Finally out of the apartment, we set out to the bicycle shop for the last minute tunings and making sure the cycles were up and ready for the long journey ahead!

10:00am was the decided flag off time, and as usual in any highly anticipated event, the show just HAD TO start late!! Makes me wonder why we even fix a time schedule. Last minute problems do come up in one way...or the other.

This time it was in the form  of an unconditioned lady’s cycle, apparently the only lady who was brave and very thrilled about travelling with us!! So we decided to wait , and try arrange another in the last minute.

12:05pm. The so called last minute, went up to 2 hours, and finally we decided...12:30pm we are off... with or without our brave girl ! And just then we got a hold on a cycle which was like 6km away on the route.

 and we started by flag off...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The G-SACRED route!

We call this the G-Sacred route!!!... the route that leads to the green community in INDIA!!!.. be there... follow us!!.. check back on our blog for  awesome INDIAN RIDE updates!! follow us!!

The route we shall take is given above. No more words , or saying over here... but if you are anywhere on this way... MOST WELCOME TO JOIN US!!!! atleast for a short distance?

Or simply feel free to meet us!!!  we would love to , simply love to meet you!!!!

Basic idea...

Plan of Operation

With around ten participants who will form the core group of cyclists, along with students of participating schools with start from Trivandrum on October 24th. The flag off is planned in the morning with a tree planting event by an invited celebrity or personality. The first leg which extends until Kollam will start with the students and core group of cyclists with a medical support ambulance following. The group is expected to reach Kollam by afternoon following one stop with refreshments after which the students will return back to Trivandrum by train. On the next day from Kollam the Rally starts off in similar way with students of Kollam to the next stop of Ernakulam and so on.

Each Pit-stop is highlighted as an eventful component of the campaign, as a daily part of the tour schedule of events. Media participation is expected and in-order to undertake the event local Partner Organizations are involved. A Hospital of each area can provide ambulance support from one stop to the next. The boarding of the core group can be arranged into partner hotels that can sponsor one night as the rally progresses along the road map.

The event will take place along a pre-designated route to ensure that students and participating members are able to cycle along the roads without risk of injury from traffic or other mishaps. Local traffic and safety authorities will be informed in advance of the event and their support is anticipated in this matter.

A final close of the Rally is conducted in Chennai and it is planned as a huge event, with ground breaking participation of people. In this manner we hope to create the platform for lasting impressions and effective change.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Objectives - no Breaks

We look forward to :

a)      To create awareness among people on Climate Change

b)     To involve and encourage student participation in such environmental activities.

c)      To harness the power of the media through the course of the tour in order to reach a larger group of society.

d)     To ensure safety norms at all times with emergency backup support.

e)      To partner with regional NGOs and organizations and create a climate action network.

f)       To utilize corporate support for ensuring a successful event.

  • Target Audience : Public from all walks of life, youth who could get inspired by our campaigns and lead on to do the same in their regions, people who love to cycle, people who love to raise an awareness on the cause, enthusiastic about the environment, people who could literally make a difference, people who could stand up for what is justified and right, getting maximum youth insight onto the fight for a solution for Climate change and Global warming, public who could welcome such an initiative by the youth and have the same transferred into their lives as well.

  • Media Converage: For mass outreach to public for general awareness. Raising concerns and debates among leaders, decision makers, and critics.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

What we demand?

Call of Action

We demand that world leaders take the urgent and resolute action that is needed to prevent the catastrophic destabilisation of global climate, so that the entire world can move as rapidly as possible to a stronger emissions reductions treaty which is both equitable and effective in minimising dangerous climate change. 

We demand that the long-industrialised countries that have emitted most greenhouse gases currently in the atmosphere take responsibility for climate change mitigation by immediately reducing their own emissions as well as investing in a clean energy revolution in the developing world. Developed countries must take their fair share of the responsibility to pay for the adaptive measures that have to be taken, especially by low-emitting countries with limited economic resources.
Climate change will hit the poorest first and hardest. All who have the economic means to act, must therefore urgently and decisively do so.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The WHENs and WHYs !

What is The Day of Action?

On the October 24th, 2009 people from all around the world will be organizing an action incorporating the number 350 at an iconic place in their community. The images of these actions will be delivered to the media and world leaders. Together, the climate crusaders across the world will be showing the world and its leaders how big, beautiful and unified the climate movement is.

The world will be seeing a movement of enormous proportion across the different parts of the world. Be a part of it!

But why such an Action?

Science clearly tells us that only dramatic action can prevent global warming and its catastrophic impacts -- and the world is looking to President Obama to lead the way. Scientists say that if industrialized countries like the US reduce their global warming pollution by 25-40% (below 1990 levels) in the next decade, we may still be able to pass on a safe climate to our children. But time is running out.

350 is the number that leading scientists say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide—measured in "Parts per Million" in our atmosphere. 350 PPM—it's the number humanity needs to get back to as soon as possible to avoid runaway climate change.

But organizing such an international movement against climate change, we hope to reach out to the world leaders and decision makers to show our concern for a bright and safe world to live in.

This is like a final exam for human beings. Can we muster the courage, the commitment, and the creativity to set this earth on a steady course before it's too late? October 24 will be the joyful, powerful day when we prove it's possible.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Pedal to Freedom

The Green Ride - 1400 km cycling tour is an initiative taken up by an environmental network in Kerala, India called GreenDream along with IYCN Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai. This Distance is four times the most important number: 350 x 4 = 1400 km.

While 350 represents the safe limit of CO2 in the atmosphere, the number 4 represents the actions in the four directions : North , south , east and West. The cycling tour starts at 3:50pm (ppm).

This cycling, tour spanning a distance of 1400km, starts from Trivandrum, Kerala to Chennai , Tamil Nadu through Bangalore. The main focus of this tour will be raise awareness through the way, and raise critical concern among the leaders and decision makers.

While awareness about climate change is increasing, the world has not yet mobilized into action and implementation of climate solutions. We are looking for support to change this reality and create, communicate and celebrate the solutions to climate change during The Green Ride to Copenhagen which will also make students and the general public aware of the role of renewable energy and green technology in developing a sustainable future and economically vibrant India.

By undertaking this Cycling tour, we will lobby for the rights of cyclists and for laws that offer protection to cyclists through dedicated cycling lanes as well as through support for safety regulations. We hope to work with the government administration to bring about change aimed at encouraging cycling in our cities, and also aimed at promoting cycling as a greener, cleaner and healthier mode of transport.

  • ·        Target Audience : Public from all walks of life, youth who could get inspired by our campaigns and lead on to do the same in their regions, people who love to cycle, people who love to raise an awareness on the cause, enthusiastic about the environment, people who could literally make a difference, people who could stand up for what is justified and right, getting maximum youth insight onto the fight for a solution for Climate change and Global warming, public who could welcome such an initiative by the youth and have the same transferred into their lives as well.

    ·        Media Converage: For mass outreach to public for general awareness. Raising concerns and debates among leaders, decision makers, and critics.

    While a part of the success of the event lies on the effectiveness of the Media, the remaining lies with you! Spread the word! 

    Follow this blog and know what is happening during the tour! 
    Hear from the riders and feel the breeze as they ride for the brighter tomorrow! 

    MAIL US: